
         Giant Pandas live in a variety of places - even thought there are not many left. Some Pandas live in Broad-leaf or coniferous forests. Others live in high Mountain ranges, which is no surprise cosidering Pandas prefer to be in cold, high up places. Although most Giant Pandas live in Bamboo forests, where they get an extensive supply of their main food source. Most Pandas live near streams or rivers so it is easy to obtain water which they need for obvious reasons. As Giant Pandas like to climb, they are usually found high off the ground. All of these habitats are mainly found in South western China. During very hot summers, Pandas tend to head towards high, cold, damp spots in Northern China as they prefer cooler temperatures. In winter they come down back into thier habitat as it is already cold.

Did you know?: Pandas start climbing Bamboo stalks at only 6 months!